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传播与影视实验中心Studio for Communication, Film and Televi

作者:wy 日期:2013-01-01 00:00 点击数:



 实验中心在具体的管理中,注重设备的高效利用,激发学生老师的创作热情。除了保证课程的使用之外,倡导学生课堂外的实践,为学生提供了借用设备和进行创作和实践的机会。在设备的高效率使用状态下,有多项实验教学成果产生。共拍摄电视剧4部、MTV 2部、记录片4部。以及为各院系和为教务处拍摄精品课程20多部视频资料和多部设计作品。

    As one of the major studios for students of liberal arts, Studio for Communication, Film and Television is designed to serve the practice needs by students of advertisement studies, mass communication, and others design majors. Composed of 5 visual and video studios, film and television making studio, and photograph studio, the Studio, in accordance with the General Plan For the Construction of Laboratories and Studios of the University, covers an area of 500 square meters, and is equipped with over 540 units of equipment and facilities including digital studio camera equipment capable of making professional television programs, non-linear audio and video editing system, animation design and making system, non-linear video editing system for use by the students, and others with a total worth of over 5.4 million RMB.

    There are 3 full time and 5 part time staff members in the Studio.

    The Studio attaches great importance to the efficiency in the management of equipment and aims at helping students and faculty members to bring their concepts and ideas to life. In addition to service for the courses, the Studio provides equipment and facilities to the students for their use after class, which led to the production of 4 TV plays, 2 MTVs, and 4 documentaries. The Studio also made over 20 video documentaries of Prime Courses for the Deans Office of the University and several design works for different schools and departments.